Gospel Music Wiki

Wings is a 1988 album by Gaither Vocal Band. It features a new tenor Jim Murray, following the departure of Larnelle Harris.

Track Listing[]

Side One[]
  1. In The Heartland - lead by Michael English
  2. Joy In The Morning - lead by Michael English
  3. Eagle Wings - lead by Jim Murray
  4. It Took A Faith - lead by Gary McSpadden
  5. What Once Was A River - lead by Gary McSpadden and Michael English
Side Two[]
  1. The Highest Place - lead by Michael English and Gary McSpadden
  2. You Don't Knock (You Just Walk On In) - lead by Michael English and Jim Murray
  3. We've Got The Spirit
  4. Daystar (Shine Down On Me) - lead by Michael English
  5. All The Gory Belongs To Jesus - lead by Bill Gaither and Jim Murray